ESF Family

Hillside International Kindergarten is a part of the English Schools Foundation(ESF). We are the largest provider of English medium international education in Hong Kong - with our 22 schools being home to over 18,500 students from over 70 countries.

Our almost 3000 staff are united by a single goal: to help every student be the best that they can be. Everyone, whether they work in or out of the classroom, spends each day working to deliver the very best education for our young people, so that they can go on to lead happy, successful lives.

Find out more about ESF here
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Principal’s Welcome

This is no ordinary school. Speak to anyone who walks through the gates of Hillside International Kindergarten, or indeed one of the thousands of young people who have benefited from our world-class since our formation in 1999 and they will tell you just that. It is a place where students find their passions, ignite their interests and learn how they can make a difference to their own life and the lives of others, their community and their planet.

Hear from our Principal here
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Principal’s Welcome

This is no ordinary school. Speak to anyone who walks through the gates of Hillside International Kindergarten, or indeed one of the thousands of young people who have benefited from our world-class since our formation in 1999 and they will tell you just that. It is a place where students find their passions, ignite their interests and learn how they can make a difference to their own life and the lives of others, their community and their planet.

Hear from our Principal here

What We Stand For

The first steps are often the most important. This is especially true when it comes to your child’s education. We are committed to helping our students develop their curiosity, understand how to build relationships and, above all, to find a love of learning.

Find out about our mission, vision and values here

Our Story

The history of a school is not marked in the number of years it has been in existence, rather its place in time is recorded through the number of students who receive their education there. Hillside International Kindergarten was formed in 1999 and since that time thousands of students have walked through the school gates to receive the education that set them up for success in their life.

Find out more about the story of Hillside here
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ESF Hillside International Kindergarten was originally situated in Sheung Wan. The small premise was just large enough for about 170 students.


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The school moved to Stubbs Road and received the name “Hillside” which it bears today. In a venue transformed from the previous ESF Centre offices, which moved to Quarry Bay, Hillside doubled its size, stretching across 3,000 square feet of facility space on two floors, catering for 360 students.


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Campus & Find Us

Hillside International Kindergarten is situated in the Happy Valley of Hong Kong. We are blessed with amazing facilities both in and out of the classroom. Our campus benefits from a wide array of areas where our youngest learners can experience the world around them.

Find out more about our facilities - and how to find us - here
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