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School Life

Bus and Uniform

Bus and Uniform

Bus Services


Our school bus service is outsourced to Kwoon Chung Motors Company Limited. The bus routes run along Hong Kong Island from Chai Wan (Island East) to Pok Fu Lam (Island West) to South Horizon (Island South). The Bus Company will notify parents of specific bus pick-up and drop-off points and schedules one week prior to the start of the school year. The operation of individual bus routes depends on the number of passengers or sign-ups; therefore, there are certain locations that Kwoon Chung might not service. Parents are advised to confirm transportation arrangements prior to kindergarten enrollment.


The school bus and escort (bus mother) fees are paid termly regardless of distance.


This bus service is a private arrangement between the parents and the bus contractor. Any enquiries, changes or concerns should be addressed directly to Kwoon Chung Motors Company Limited.


Email: esfhs@kcm.com.hk
Tel: +852 29 798 798 Fax: +852 2562 3399
Website: http://school.kcm.com.hk/esfhs



All children are expected to wear kindergarten uniform that is clearly labelled with the child’s name.

Each child’s uniform should include:


  • Trousers, shorts or skorts
  • Checkered shirt or polo shirt
  • Cardigan, fleece or track top
  • Two-in-one windbreaker
  • Schoolbag, library book bag, school sun hat and or raincoat cape
  • Black or white coloured shoes with fastenings that can be easily managed by a child and stay firmly on the foot.


Please keep in mind that children get messy easily, and it is often necessary to wash their uniforms frequently. We suggest you purchase extra sets of uniforms for this reason.


Kindergarten uniform items will be available for online purchase from the website http://schooluniform.hk/ 


At Hillside, we are taking steps to become an ‘eco-friendly school’ by minimising the impact of our human footprint on our planet. As part of our sustainability strategy, we would like to provide a forum for interested parents to connect and recycle their “too small” uniform items.


If you are interested in buying, selling or giving away your beloved Hillside uniform, please leave a post on the bulletin below to connect with other parents.


Uniform Swap


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