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IBPYP - Learner Profile

IBPYP - Learner Profile

IBPYP - Learner Profile


At the heart of our curriculum is the ‘Learner Profile’. This is a long-term, holistic vision of education that underpins our work and puts the child at the centre of everything we do. The Learner Profile is shared between all ESF Kindergarten, Primary and Secondary schools and we aim to develop each attribute in every child. The PYP Learner Profile is a set of values and characteristics which we encourage children to think about and develop. Staff and our helpers in school are role models and teach these attributes through stories and circle times. They influence our approach to learning and our interactions with others. These are our Hillside definitions of the Learner Profile Attributes:



I wonder about things and ask questions to learn new things.


I know a lot about myself and the world around me.


I solve problems and connect the things I know.


I share my ideas with others and I listen carefully.


I am a good friend and I do the right thing.


I listen to others and accept other people’s ideas.


I am kind to others and care about the world we live in.


I try new things and am not afraid to have a go.


I work and play hard and take care of myself.


I think about my own learning and how I can make changes.


We invite you to explore our current Programme of Inquiry (POI) below. Please note that this is a living document, which our teachers continually reflect upon and update based on the children’s learning interests and needs. As such, it will be revised throughout each Unit of Inquiry (UOI).


The PYP POI comprises six Transdisciplinary Themes, each accompanied by an extended description outlining the areas of inquiry for children under that theme. This matrix serves as a valuable tool to ensure a balanced approach to the Units of Inquiry across all themes.


Each UOI is centred around a central idea, which supports children’s understanding of the specific transdisciplinary theme while challenging and extending their prior knowledge. The central idea is informed by key concepts that promote conceptual understanding and foster critical thinking. Each unit also includes lines of inquiry that clarify the central idea and define the scope of the inquiry.


In addition to content knowledge, we place significant emphasis on the Approaches to Learning (ATL) and skills that are vital in the early years within the PYP framework. These skills encompass communication, social, research, thinking, and self-management skills. By nurturing these competencies, we aim to equip our children with the tools they need to become lifelong learners, enabling them to navigate their educational journeys with confidence and curiosity.


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