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Programme of Inquiry (POI)

Programme of Inquiry (POI)

Please find our current Programme of Inquiry (POI) outlined below. This is a “working document” that our teachers continuously reflect on, adapting it to the children’s learning interests and needs. As such, it will be updated throughout each Unit of Inquiry (UOI).


The PYP POI consists of a matrix featuring six Transdisciplinary Themes, each accompanied by an extended description that clarifies what the children will be exploring under that theme. This serves as a valuable tool to ensure a balanced approach to the Units of Inquiry.


Each UOI is centred around a central idea, which supports the children’s understanding of the specific transdisciplinary theme while challenging and extending their prior knowledge. The central idea is guided by key concepts that foster conceptual understanding and enhance critical thinking. Each unit will also include lines of inquiry that elucidate the central idea and define the scope of the inquiry.


Link to live document Hillside POI

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